Scott Who? Im
Scott Marusak, self-proclaimed king of geeks. Computer programmer by day, rabid stamp
collector by night my interests and family keep me busy.
I worked my way through the University of Chicago by writing Fortran graphics programs at LASR. After getting my BS in Applied Math, I realized I was addicted to computers so I went on to RPI. Ok ok, so I knew Id make more bucks with a degree that actually said "Computer" on it! Freshmen engineer students learned Fortran from me while I got a Masters in Computer Science. I definitely got the better end of that deal.
After RPI, I joined IBM and came to fabulous Cary NC (ranked in the top 10 cities to live the last few years). I worked on various projects and some wonderful products being a small part of Visual Age 3.0 was about the best but saw the light after seven years and left for the SAS Institute in 1995.
95 was a busy year. In addition to joining SAS, I started my own business making stamp albums. If you collect Tannu Tuva, the baltics, Polish revenues or anything else off the beaten track, take a look HERE.
This area of the country is surprisingly blessed with some great philatelic resources. We have two strong stamp clubs in the area. The Raleigh Stamp Club is obviously based in Raleigh, and the Triangle Stamp Club meets about 20 miles from here in Chapel Hill. We also have that greatest of rarities: a retail stamp shop! If youre in town, check out Chesters Stamps in the Cameron Village shopping center. Truth in advertising: Im just a happy customer of Chester's, but I'm an officer of the Raleigh Stamp I guess that makes me biased! We've also got the most active GPS chapter in the country down here, so there are always philatelic events going on around here.
Last Modified: 1/18/2000 by Scott Marusak